Thursday, 31 July 2008
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
My little Brave Girl
Finally after much delay, I brought Nicole for her jab. This jab is supposed to be given when she is 18 month old. But everytime I mentioned about bringing her to the doctor for the jab, she will fall sick. Hence with much ding-dong here and there, it was delayed till today.
On the way there, I told her a big big mosquito is going to bite her at the clinic, it is gonna be a fast one. This seems to have prep her for the jab. At the clinic, she even looked at the doctor and greeted him though it is a long time since she last seen him. She is usually attended by his mrs. Nicole saw the entire procedure, she was looking at the doctor when he prep the jab, she was looking at him when he hold her thigh. And she was staring straight at the needle when he jabbed him. All these while she did not cry or move. Even the doctor praised her for being such a brave girl.
On the way there, I told her a big big mosquito is going to bite her at the clinic, it is gonna be a fast one. This seems to have prep her for the jab. At the clinic, she even looked at the doctor and greeted him though it is a long time since she last seen him. She is usually attended by his mrs. Nicole saw the entire procedure, she was looking at the doctor when he prep the jab, she was looking at him when he hold her thigh. And she was staring straight at the needle when he jabbed him. All these while she did not cry or move. Even the doctor praised her for being such a brave girl.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Mummi, where is my chew chew?
I brought Natalie's beloved chew chew home on Sunday and she asked my mum to called me on to ask me where her chew chew is. Amazing ...
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Singapore Garden Festival 2008
The only thing that interest both the girls is the ladybug, grasshopper and bee at the entrance of the hall. And mabe the bubbles in one of the landscape.
My mum is saying they are not into flowers just like their daddy. Natalie is pesting me to go out of the event hall the moment we stepped in. And lihong is sneezing non-stop.
My mum is saying they are not into flowers just like their daddy. Natalie is pesting me to go out of the event hall the moment we stepped in. And lihong is sneezing non-stop.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Dislocated arm
While i m rocking Nicole to sleep, I heard Natalie crying non-stop. I am thinking to myself she must be notti and that her daddy is punishing her. So i let her daddy handle the situation and continue to rock Nicole.
After quite a while, she is still crying. I went out and see her holding her hand. She keep saying "so pain, so pain". She is trying to go into the toilet to get the spray when li Hong grabbed her and brought her out, cos the floor is wet and li Hong is concern that she might slip. We passed her the spray and she started spraying her hand, and then continued crying in pain. She will usually stop after we gave her what she wants but this time she continued crying.
We had to rush her to KK A&E. She cried so badly while li hong tried to change her. Daddy is so agitated probably becos he is very worried as well. All this while Nat has not let go of her hand. Her face is soaked with tears. A little touch on her hand make her cried out in pain. She continued to say "so pain" on the way there. She said ok when we told her we are bringing her to the doctor. She fell asleep on the way there. Our little brave girl didn't cry after we reached the hospital, even when the nurse / doctor touched her and talked to her. After the doctor twisted and bended her arm, she is fine. She even managed to open the door with that hand. She ran around after we came out of the doctor's room. Before that she wants me to hold her and i can't move cos a slight movement will cause her pain. She has dislocated her arm. The doctor said it is very common in children and we should always get professional help when this kinda situation arises.
On our way back, she even told the taxi driver that her arm so pain.
This is so scary. Though the pain is not inflicited on us, I can feel the tremendously pain in me when i see her crying like this. I believe her daddy feels likewise, seeing his reaction on the day.
After quite a while, she is still crying. I went out and see her holding her hand. She keep saying "so pain, so pain". She is trying to go into the toilet to get the spray when li Hong grabbed her and brought her out, cos the floor is wet and li Hong is concern that she might slip. We passed her the spray and she started spraying her hand, and then continued crying in pain. She will usually stop after we gave her what she wants but this time she continued crying.
We had to rush her to KK A&E. She cried so badly while li hong tried to change her. Daddy is so agitated probably becos he is very worried as well. All this while Nat has not let go of her hand. Her face is soaked with tears. A little touch on her hand make her cried out in pain. She continued to say "so pain" on the way there. She said ok when we told her we are bringing her to the doctor. She fell asleep on the way there. Our little brave girl didn't cry after we reached the hospital, even when the nurse / doctor touched her and talked to her. After the doctor twisted and bended her arm, she is fine. She even managed to open the door with that hand. She ran around after we came out of the doctor's room. Before that she wants me to hold her and i can't move cos a slight movement will cause her pain. She has dislocated her arm. The doctor said it is very common in children and we should always get professional help when this kinda situation arises.
On our way back, she even told the taxi driver that her arm so pain.
This is so scary. Though the pain is not inflicited on us, I can feel the tremendously pain in me when i see her crying like this. I believe her daddy feels likewise, seeing his reaction on the day.
Friday, 25 July 2008
E! Hub @ Downtown East
Today is dedicated for our girls. We can't decide where to bring them, having a busy busy week at work doesnt help as well. Initially thought of going to Go Go Bambini, but decide otherwise after hubby get feedback from his colleague.
I thot of the ferris wheel at Pasir Ris. Actually only seen it this april while we are on our way to Aloha chalet. Thinking it might be ready, we headed to Pasir Ris which is so far away. It is only when we were there that I suddenly recall about eXplorerkid. It is similar to Go Go Bambini except that it's bigger.
The girls have such a great time there, but we adults have a hard time following them. Natalie can't wait to go in. Mi and li hong have to follow them around climbing up the MegaPlay. Lucky for his size, their dearest daddy only have to sit there and watch as mi and li hong chased after the girls.
There is 2 slides on the structure. I sit on top of a slide and deliberate for a long long time before i slided down with Nicole. The slide is extremely slippery and before i know it we are at the bottom of it. Li Hong scratched her arm while going down the other slide. This is a good place to let the kids run around, the entire place is "cushioned" hence reducing the impact should they fall down. Nat is complaining that the sock is so hot and she wants to take them off while she is in the lit pool But when we are going home, she said is so cold she wants to put on the sock and go back in. She really enjoyed herself.
It's a place to bring the kids during off peak session. Can't imagine when the place is packed with kids. Natalie is already showing the brochure to her grandma. And mabe i will ask their yi-yis to come along to follow them while i watch. Hee Hee
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
It hurts so much
I don't know where Natalie pick up spitting her saliva from. Since last weekend, she has been doing it. Over the weekend I managed to prevent her from doing so, by saying she is such a dirty girl and forfeit her treats. But on Monday, I started hearing complains of her spitting again, so probably she see someone doing it in school.
Yesterday, it happened again. This time she spit at our helper, i slapped her lightly on her face and told her she shouldn't be doing that. She became angry and started kicking me. And i then hit her on her thigh. She din cry but looked angrily at me. It hurts so much to hit her. I can't explain the kinda pain that was going through me.
And when she saw my mum, she went hug my mum and started crying. And when my mum explain to her that she shouldn't be spitting and come and apolgise to me. She said in her tears "mummi sorry" and hugged me. I almost cried. It simply hurt so much.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Luckily i insisted
We almost did not go to Underwater World at Sentosa on Saturday. The girls got cranky just before we leave, both of them are crying at the door and daddy decided we should not go. Natalie cried because she din like her new shoes. She wanted her goodie old Adidas. Nicole can't wait to leave and was crying because we don't seems to be leaving. There is the whole clan waiting for me at the vivo city and now we decided to cancel. Not quite right, hence I insisted and luckily both of them stop throwing their tantrums once we hit the road.
Luckily we went ahead as planned, at the end of the day, everyone is happy. And daddy actually thank me for insisting on this trip. Both the girls are awed by the fishes. The yi-yi's are awed by their ability to name the various exhibit that they see i.e. jelly fish, starfish, turtle, nemo and dory etc etc ... My grandma, their great grandma is also very happy, especially when little nicole offer her a shoulder to support while we are walking back to the bus terminal. In the end, Nicole's shoulder is too low for my grandma and she end up holding my grandma's hand. Kimberly's hamburger manage to capture the moment. Hey Kim, please send me a copy of the photo if you're reading this.
Daddy has his personal time with Natalie. Both of them go on to the moving travellator through the tunnel for a 3rd time. After 2 round, I am already seeing stars but Natalie insisted on going another round and hence Daddy and her embarked on a third time. Though there isn't much to see at the underwater world, we had a great time. I am looking for more places to bring the girls to.
I was so busy chasing, holding, carrying that i forget to take any pictures. But luckily for the "super duper blur co-ordinator of the day" ahschel yi-yi and the "initiate dark face but turn sunny in the underwater world" kelyn yi-yi, we still have some pictures.Here's some pictures from Kelyn's yi-yi blog.

Thursday, 17 July 2008
Nicole found her new playmate
Last night, Ah May and Farley were at my mum's place for dinner. Nicole has given her undivided attention on her new playmate - Farley. She showed him her "Charlotte Web" book and alot of her DVDs. She even lean over when Ah May wants to take a picture of both of them. Hmmm so much so that we did not have to worry about where she wonder to last night, she was beside Farley most of the time. She even shared her tibits when Farley. I can see that she is so into Farley. It makes everyone laugh.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Natalie showcase
These pictures were taken by Natalie. She is so happy that she can get the camera and she goes arounding snapping at almost everything. We have not teach her how to operate a camera, but she seems to be able to handle it well. I find the first picture amazingly well taken, there seems to be a rainbow that we didn't even notice been captured in the picture. Gee I'm just one proud mummy.
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Their latest gear from Gymboree
I have something similar when I was a little girl. Hence I can't stop myself from getting this piece for 2 of them. Even though, it is kinda tight for both of them, they are more than willing to put it on for mummi.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Finally we developed our girls' photos
After so many reminders, we finally developed some photos of our girls. Our parents, uncles, aunts have been asking us for a photo our girls especially Nicole's. They want updated photos for them and I have delayed so many times for the photos.
My MIL complained that she has been asking for the photos since the last CNY. Finally manage to develop the photos, hopefully I will not forget to bring it for her.
My MIL complained that she has been asking for the photos since the last CNY. Finally manage to develop the photos, hopefully I will not forget to bring it for her.
A Birthday Cake
Tomorrow we will be having cake on my MIL's birthday. This is the first time we are having a cake since I know my hubby. Cake as been seen as a taboo for her birthday, but interestingly this year we are going to have a CAKE.
And I am not too happy about it, if it has viewed as a taboo for watever reason, why risk it? So I am hoping everything will go well.
Sigh ... sometimes I wonder why some people because of their own convenience, they don't care about what might happen to the rest.
And I am not too happy about it, if it has viewed as a taboo for watever reason, why risk it? So I am hoping everything will go well.
Sigh ... sometimes I wonder why some people because of their own convenience, they don't care about what might happen to the rest.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
My Bubbling Artists

Courtesy of Shel Yi Yi's blog. This is the nicest picture amongst her latest post. The rest are kinda blur. Thanks Shel Yi Yi.
My girls are into painting especially Natalie. She can forgo her time at the playground, her shopping for painting. She can draw a smiley face which she called a HAPPY FACE. And everytime she draws her meimei would go HAPPY FACE, HAPPY FACE and beam her brightest smile.
Nicole is into mixing all the colour so we end up having pots of the same colour after she is done.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Mummy, I'm Natalie Cheese
My girls are so exciting when I called home just now. Both of them can't wait to tell me who they are. Natalie spoke to fast and said that she is Natalie Cheese. Nicole only managed to say I'm Nicole, How are you? before her jiejie started screaming her name.
It's confirmed!!!
Hubby agreed that if I was to interrupt his PSP session, he would probably be angry or scream at me.
However when HIS girls were to do the same he will actually stop his PSP session and turn his attention to them. Nicole has been interrupting his daddy's PSP session, she likes to sit on his tummy and block his view of the PSP. And her dearest "daddy mummi" would just pause his game and smile at her ...
Hai where do i stand now? The photo on his handphone and in his wallet has already been replaced by our girls.
But hey, i am not actually upset or feel anything cos I will probably do the same. In fact, my handphone not longer has hubby's photo since Natalie arrives.
Our girls are the centre of our lives, and that the very truth.
However when HIS girls were to do the same he will actually stop his PSP session and turn his attention to them. Nicole has been interrupting his daddy's PSP session, she likes to sit on his tummy and block his view of the PSP. And her dearest "daddy mummi" would just pause his game and smile at her ...
Hai where do i stand now? The photo on his handphone and in his wallet has already been replaced by our girls.
But hey, i am not actually upset or feel anything cos I will probably do the same. In fact, my handphone not longer has hubby's photo since Natalie arrives.
Our girls are the centre of our lives, and that the very truth.
Monday, 7 July 2008
What is it that they want me to say?
Sometimes mummy expect me to follow what she says. Sometimes mummy expects me to answer a question. So when to say what? ...
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Tomy Big Loader Construction Set

Papa isn't as amused; cos I got a similar but Thomas the Train set for his nephew birthday. He is complaining that why did I not get the Thomas set for our girls. He is even more frustrated when Natalie insisting on opening up the Thomas set. Well, both sets are similar except that one is of Thomas the Train character, otherwise both work the same. And since our girl don't really fancy Thomas, why should i spend double the money to get the same thing?
This saturday I brought both the girls to Causeway Point to try out something new. Other than getting present for Theophilus, I also want to bring my girls to make the thingy that we will pour the gluey stuff onto the template and after we are done the staff would bake it and we will take home a rubber thingy. Heh heh i just don't know what that is called. May be some kind soul can help me out here. Anyway my girls has such fun creating their thingy. Nicole will just squeeze with all her might resulting in Li Hong doing most of the job. Natalie is slightly better, she is able to use the toothpick to make sure all area are cover by the gluey stuff. Both are so excited while waiting for the art work to be baked.
What Natalie told me
Mummy, don't worry, we'll find it.
Mummy, don't worry, it's ok.
Mummy, are you ok?
Mummy, my tummy hungry for ice cream?
Mummy, let's go shopping mai school.
I am not sure where my girl pick up all these phrases. Neverthe less the first 3 phrases made me feel so good.
I am in the midst of setting up the Big loader when I asked her to help me find one piece of the track and she replied "Mummy don't worry, we'll find it" and start searching the piece for me. It's so good and reassuring. My little girl has grown so much suddenly.
Mummy, don't worry, it's ok.
Mummy, are you ok?
Mummy, my tummy hungry for ice cream?
Mummy, let's go shopping mai school.
I am not sure where my girl pick up all these phrases. Neverthe less the first 3 phrases made me feel so good.
I am in the midst of setting up the Big loader when I asked her to help me find one piece of the track and she replied "Mummy don't worry, we'll find it" and start searching the piece for me. It's so good and reassuring. My little girl has grown so much suddenly.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Nicole can read
To our surprise, Nicole manage to follow her papa and read 2 complete pages of Beauty and the Beast. She can follow every single word after her papa. She usually takes a book and sit down on our lap and ask us to read to her. Today however, she read after her papa and she can pronounce all the words.
In terms of speech, Nicole has developed much faster than Natalie. Nat's pronunciation is still not clear but at least it has improved a great deal since we start trying to engage her more often. Tomorrow, we are going to start Nat's phonics lessons and hopefully she will gain from it. After stopping for dunno how many lessons, both of them are going to resume their Tumbletots lesson. Hmmm ... wondering if they are still keen ...
In terms of speech, Nicole has developed much faster than Natalie. Nat's pronunciation is still not clear but at least it has improved a great deal since we start trying to engage her more often. Tomorrow, we are going to start Nat's phonics lessons and hopefully she will gain from it. After stopping for dunno how many lessons, both of them are going to resume their Tumbletots lesson. Hmmm ... wondering if they are still keen ...
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Mummy don't go home
It just feel so good when Natalie told me. And papa is jealous.
Given a choice, where mummy go anywhere without the 2 of you.
Given a choice, where mummy go anywhere without the 2 of you.
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