Saturday, 19 November 2011

Natalie's school's Fiesta 2010

Over the weekend, we were at Natalie's school for her school fund raising event. The girls have a ball of time playing games, taking rides, putting out fire and trying to dunk a teacher into water.

Duckie Fishing

Good old choo choo train

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Monday, 14 November 2011

Nicole ballet - photo taking

After her ballet performance in December, Nicole will stop her ballet lesson. She has been complaining that she is tired traveling to and fro on Wednesdays  and Thursdays for lessons. She wants to be like her jie-jie who has do not need to travel for her lessons. So we have decided to stop her ballet lesson.

Lately her interests in ballet is rekindle and she want to continue her lesson, probably because of the preparation for the concert and the costume. We have already opt her out of the exams and now she is pestering us to let her continue her lesson. 

Nice pose

My ballerina
She look so different with her fringe all up

Monday, 10 October 2011

New playground

There is a new playground in CCK park. It is a huge structure which is at least 2 storey high and yet the girls are no afraid and climb all the way to the highest slide. Nathan on the other, prefer to stay on the ground.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Lightning McQueen for Nathan?

Boys are boys. Nathan loves cars and his choo-choo. He calls my iphone - Choo Choo because it is where he watches Train cartoon or Cars Trailer on you-tube. He and his papa shares the same love for Cars - soundtrack - "Real Gone" as well as "Life is a highway".

Over the school holiday weekend, we were at Toy R Us and he tried out the Lightning McQueen ride-on. We did not buy it then as we are staying at Hotel Michael that weekend. And Nathan is distracted, there are so many Cars 2 related toys that he can't decided. In the end, we got him Imaginext Exclusive Mack Hauler Lightning McQueen.

Now I am contemplating if I should go back to Toy R us to get the ride-on for him or just let him continue to make do with his sisters' princess ride-on.

Please mommy, pretty pretty please!

Here's Nicole in front of our beloved fridge.

My little girl can say things like " Please Mommy. Pretty Pretty Please" together with her most beautiful smile. She probably learn this from her Emo-Nemo yee-yee. Anyway, it is hard to say NO to her.

She showers everyone will lotsa and lotsa of Love, she will hug me the moment I step into the house and say I miss you and I love you. She hugs and kisses her sister and brother whenever she feel like it.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Cheeky Baby

Nathan posing for Claudia yee-yee for a packet of Twisties.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Sports Day

Its Natalie's sports day today and Daddy was there to cheer on our little girl for her big day.
Well deserved break for Daddy since starting work for about a month.

Certainly brings back memories of my school days ...... and its also a chance to see our little Natalie in action. Well done Natalie. See Natalie in action below.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Nicole's creation

Nicole drew the picture on ipad app.

Papa and I were helping Natalie with her homework and revision, Nicole was sat at a corner and playing with the ipad. When she showed us this picture, we were amazed.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Nicole's drawing

Nicole loves to draw. She surprised me when a letter the other day. I love the way she wrote "love".

Monday, 11 July 2011


Webkinz - Yellow

Yellow is Natalie's Webkinz. And Webkinz is a stuff toy that comes with a virtual version of the pet online. Natalie and Nicole was asking for a Webkinz for some time, however I am totally clueless about it even after they tried explaining to me.

So one fine day, I got the girls a Webkinz each and the Webkinz are following the girls where ever they go. Natalie's webkinz is called Yellow which is a blue hippo while Nicole's is called Lalee which is a Pink Poodle.

Nathan - 20 months old

In a wink, Nathan has grown quite a bit. He now run around the house, chasing and shouting at his sisters. He love to go "kai kai", and waves at all buses that pass by. He will snap at you as well as does his classic 'Chew' frown when he is unhappy. He love calling "Papaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Only in times of need will he call "mama"

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Bye AirCon

Our aircon surrendered after we came back from our holiday at RWS. Luckily it rained the last few nights, otherwise I really doubt anyone of us could sleep. We are so use to air-conditioning.

Nathan with his messy hair after his nap. His face is all red too.

The goods news is we do not have to wait till 22/06/11 for the new aircon to be installed. They are coming tomorrow.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Girls' Talk

Both girls are extremely close. Natalie still believes that she is the only one that can bully Nicole. She will ask Nicole to run errands for her, such as asking Nicole to bring the cups and plates to the kitchen after she finish eating. However when there is a need, she will be the one that is taking care and protect her younger sister. Nicole are more than willing to help her sister. Lately both of them are starting to engage in Girls' Talk. They talk among themselves about things happening around them.

Recently, Natalie told Nicole about a issue that happens in school and Nicole blurt out what Natalie had said. Natalie has not told us about the issue. If not for Nicole, we might be still in the dark.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Bubble Fun

Bubble never fail to keep the children entertained. Nathan now join in the fun with his sisters.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

N & N's meet M & M's

Tien Hsia Review - Term 1

Nicole joined Tien Hsia Language School at the beginning of this year. She enjoys the lessons and look up to her teacher. After the lessons, she starts speaking mandarin at home and reading chinese books as well.

During the review session, the childrens from Nursery to K2 put up performance for the parents. Each level will have at least 2 performance. For Nicole's level, they sang "我的爸爸和妈妈" and "大西瓜". What we did not expect is for her to put up her hand when the teacher ask for volunteer to performance solo in front of everyone. She went on to recite 我的爸爸和妈妈, loud and clear with action as well.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Nicole's Pink Dinosaur Party

Pink Dino cake that Nicole has selected for the occassion

The dinosaur playhouse

Our Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl's goodie bag

The Pink Goodie Bags, Pink dino eggs included

Candle blowing time

The Dino Family

Dino Guest

Baby Dino trying to be funny

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The pools the girls love so much

Bird eye view of HRH pools

Universal Studio Singapore (Part 1)

Over the march school holidays, we went to Universal Studio Singapore together with my sister, cousin and friends. We stayed in Festive Hotel over that weekend as a treat to the girls to mark the start of their Term 1 break.

Natalie was down with a slight fever the day before and was totally relunctant to go into the Park. Nicole on the other hand, can't wait to try out the rides, she is especially excited to Jurassic Park, where she get to see all the dinosaurs. The weather was bad, it was extremely hot in the end I brought the kids back after just 1 ride and lunch. At least the rest of the group get to enjoy the attractions in the park.

Roarrrrr we're going to Jurassic Park

Madagascar Merry Go Round

Nicole roaring throughout the park

Natalie's expression through the time in the park

Our designated 'Hanger' for the day