Saturday, 19 November 2011

Natalie's school's Fiesta 2010

Over the weekend, we were at Natalie's school for her school fund raising event. The girls have a ball of time playing games, taking rides, putting out fire and trying to dunk a teacher into water.

Duckie Fishing

Good old choo choo train

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Monday, 14 November 2011

Nicole ballet - photo taking

After her ballet performance in December, Nicole will stop her ballet lesson. She has been complaining that she is tired traveling to and fro on Wednesdays  and Thursdays for lessons. She wants to be like her jie-jie who has do not need to travel for her lessons. So we have decided to stop her ballet lesson.

Lately her interests in ballet is rekindle and she want to continue her lesson, probably because of the preparation for the concert and the costume. We have already opt her out of the exams and now she is pestering us to let her continue her lesson. 

Nice pose

My ballerina
She look so different with her fringe all up