The above is Natalie sitting at the exact spot where I would sit to watch TV or read at night. Same relaxed pose and according to "BIG BABY" who took the picture, same way of resting her legs. Interesting yah .... right from the way she eats ice cream, writes number 8 and her shy nature in front of strangers. Remember how I used to hide behind my mum whenever strangers appear. Wonder when I stopped .... er, was it when I find my mum's frame getting too small for me. HAAAAAA!
Anyway, was at school to meet up with the teachers who all expressed disappointment of them leaving school. But I guess, its for the better of both of them in the long run. Interesting insights from Natalie's teacher of how she can be looking around and yet answering impromptu questions posed to her. But Miss Ong was quick to highlight that Natalie's inability to stay attentive does not gel with the local education system.
Back to the little one ....... the princess of the 2, little Nicole.

Really getting into her role as princess, throwing more tantrums to get what she wants. Just remembered last week where I had to run off with Natalie in my arms cos she need to wee wee. Nicole was left with her mum but she yelled out "papi papi" for the longest of time. Once they caught up ... she hugged me like super glue. Next thing u know all she wants was me. End day, I didnt eat much at grandma's bday celebration. Infact we had to leave early cos of her tantrums. Lets look at her in one of her happier moods ....