Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Resort World Sentosa once again

This is the second time we stayed in Festive Hotel. The first time is during the Labour Day weekend, our girls has so much fun that they kept asking us to bring them back to HOTEL.

For the entire holiday, Natalie especially is bugging us to bring her to hotel. She loves the swimming pool at Hard Rock Hotel and can't wait to build a sand mountain. She loves running through the mist at Universal Studio. Nicole on the other hand, loves to play the sand but doesn't want to get wet. Daddy has to work on some weekend during the school holidays and with many events lined up, finding a weekend that we can go RWS is difficult.

Natalie complained to her Q-Por and ta-da a room booked for us. So we have to go even if Daddy is going to work on the sunday. The girls can't wait to get to the hotel and has been counting since the day they were told we are going to hotel soon.

I brought Nathan to the podium where Daddy is watching a World Cup match so that the girls can sleep. He is so excited when he see so many people around him but when they cheered loudly, he looked totally shocked. And amazingly he fell asleep amongst the noise in meer 15 minutes that we are there.

Daddy had to leave for work on Sunday morning, and it was raining heavily, however the girls are contended to stay in the room and watch Cartoon Network.

Great time at the pool with their new buckets, spades and watering can

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Lost Times and Cherished Moments

Went to fetch Nicole from her Ballet Class on Wednesday. While going home, I carried her down the stairs. Only to invite the comment from her mum, she can walk so why carry her.

My response and thoughts are simple. While I still can carry her, I would want to. To cherish the every moment I have with the child cos when she grows up, I would either be too old or she too heavy for me to do so.

Simple moments and simple things often go unnoticed and only to be remembered and yearned for when its too late. Today is my wife's birthday ... Hapi Birthday to Mummy Lynn.

Moments to cherish today and memories to remember in time to come. Little Nathan growing up, 9 kg alreadi as per Mummy's estimate. Another moment to remember cos when he is like Natalie at 27 kg, carrying him would definitely be a problem.

Hahaha .... Natalie is still running a fever, Nicole is throwing tantrums and Nathan is sleeping. While I am writing this, Mummy Lynn is correcting my language. Hmm, a moment captured in time.