Sunday, 14 December 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Please be patient
Monday, 24 November 2008
Post Birthday Celebration - Explorer Kids again
Lately she doesn't like to take cab, she wants to take bus / train. As she remembered cab always bring her back to grandma's house, while train / bus takes her shopping. My chubby girl has her mummi's trait, we love to shop!
Nicole enjoying her fries
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Happy Birthday Papi & Mama's cutie
It's only not too long ago that we celebrated her 3rd birthday where she don't enjoy all the attention on her that she cried. This year is totally different. Our girl loves the attention and even put her hand to her ear to hear if everyone is singing her birthday song.
There were at least 5 camera clicking away, hence it is more like a press conference and hence we ended up with pictures that each one looking at different camera.
Everyone looking at different direction

Sunday, 9 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Galilee 25th Concert
Even though Nicole is a year younger than the rest of the pre-nursery children, she got to take part in this year's concert as well. During the rehersal, she is doing fine. She even practiced at home. However on the actual day, the moment, my helper left her on the stage she started crying, really loudly. The teachers have no choice but to bring her off the stage. There are mummies laughting at Nicole. Nontheless, i know my girl tried and I am still proud of her.
Natalie was searching for us the moment she stepped onto the stage. She looks so adorable and round in her costume. She found us and waved and show her thumb up to us. She even reminded her classmates to put down / lift up the signs that they are holding. Given her character, i will say she has done extremely well. And mummy is so proud of her.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Moments from Kelyn & Mavis's Blog
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Mummy tries to bake
Hubby is telling me that I should not try on someone's birthday celebration, what if it doesn't turn out right? I was thinking the worst case scenario would be to rush out to get a cake.
Anyhow, i tried and with some help whipping out the icing. The cuppies turn out okie. They tasted nice and more importantly the cuppies are especially made for my dear cousins and they are happy!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Our 2nd Zoo trip
Arrggghhh, the weather isn't good today. It rained the moment we stepped on the zoo's ground. We took refudge in KFC, having our lunch while waiting for the rain to stop. The rain never really stopped. It rained intermittenly and make walking around the zoo difficult. We have to get poncho to get around. Natalie doesn't want the poncho went around with her hat and umbrella.
Friday, 10 October 2008
She knows how to spell her name
Lately she is learning how to surf websites. We will on the PC for her and load Disney playhouse website. She is able to navigate and play the games on the website. Nicole will watch as her sister click through the site for her. It's time to get her a cutie mouse that fits her hand.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
A simple piece of fun
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Bird Park
The bird show broke the ice for Natalie, she was insisting to go home the moment she stepped into the park, but after hearing the parrot sang Rasa-Sayang, she changed her mind. Nicole on the other hand can't wait to get into the Park.
Papa with his 2 princesses in tow
Nicole looking sexy in her Pumpkin Patch top
Yakult break at the cafe
Grandpa feeding the lories
Doesn't she look cute with her hat?
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Dinner with their Botak uncle
These pictures are from their Kelyn yi-yi that Natalie always can't recognise from photo. Amazing there is no photo of their botak uncle with a buttery head.
Grand-uncle and Natalie
Kelyn yi-yi and Nicole
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Bye-Bye Tumbletots
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
We got her hair cut!
Finally we did it. The only place she decided that she wants to get her hair cut is Junior League at Vivo Toy R Us. She is good as she didn't make a fuss as we brought her there and sat quietly through the haircut watching Tom & Jerry. She looks younger now and her face rounder. She even asked her grandma is her hair nice? Hmmm it's only at bedtime, she asked for her hair. She got so angry that she started saying "Stupid xxxx (i didn't catch watch she says, she should be referring to the hairdresser), i don't want the ballon! My hair, my hair." For now we can only pacify her and tell her very soon her hair will grow back.
Her yi-yis are laughing at her yesterday after Ah San yi-yi broadcasted her latest hairstyle via MMS. The yi-yis were also chatting over MSN about her new hairstyle. One of them even used "we should follow her hairstyle" as her nick. Nicole laughed at her jie-jie when she see her sister got her bang chopped. When asked if she wants to cut her hair, she said loudly and annoyingly "NO".
Happily posing in front of Vivo
Getting ready for her hair cut
Monday, 22 September 2008
Gals miss their daddy
Afterwhich I took them at IMM and the girls are happy. Natalie told us that she is so happy on our way there and she keep showing us her happy face during the shopping trip.
Nice pic taken by Natalie
Nicole's trial session at Galilee
All pretty and ready for her assessment
Copy cat
This is what happened the other day, we have to take separate lifts due to the lift's constraint, the moment the lift door closed and Nicole saw that her jie-jie and papa were not in the lift, she started crying. When we reached the lift landing, she refused to move, she waited for her jie-jie in tears. The minute the lift door opens she ran towards her jie-jie and both of them hugged together and started calling each other. After which they hold hands and walk together.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Monday, 8 September 2008
Nicole's 1st day of school
Hence here we are her 1st day of school, she was so happy to be in the same uniform as her jie-jie. She smiled as we teased her about going to school and we have no problem getting her ready for school. She even carried all her bags and water bottle by herself. She is so excited that she even forget to say goodbye to her dearest auntie after bidding farewell to Milo Lee.
Even at school, everything seems so easy for her. She went into her class and start mingling around with the children and start exploring around the classroom. When the class start, we have to hide and peek so as to make sure she don't get to see us. Though we are fairly sure, our lil Nicole would have no problem in school. We stick around to sneek and peek to make sure she is doing fine.
All went well until when we came back from lunch and heard her crying. We peek in to look for her. But alas she saw her papa and started screaming for her papa. We were signal to leave by her teacher. The next time we sneek in we can't find her. We were very worried until my dad highlighted to us she might be sleeping. True enough, she was sleeping soundly on a teeny weeny bed in the classroom. Looking at her, sleeping on the bed, makes me feel so bad. Thoughts of me being a super KS mummi, sending her to school so earlier came, am i ill-treating her came flooding in. Luckily a chat with her teacher is so encouraging, she said she is doing well except for those time need her meal time and sleeping time. We need to do some adjustment and she will be doing fine. She even commented that Nicole knows her alphaphets very well.
Surprisingly Natalie is equally exciting as well. She went around asking people to see her mei-mei. As her class walk passed her mei-mei's class, she point out to her clasmates "MY MEI-MEI".
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Friday, 5 September 2008
September school holiday outing
There are so many people there when we arrived. Both girls can't wait to get into the playground. The moment we are in, Natalie speed around, we have a hard time chasing her. Nicole is happy playing in the toddler area. May be the giant super slippery slide has frighten her the other time, she declined going to the mega-play. Natalie enjoys the slide so much she went on in for many many rounds. Poor mummi had a hard time following her, scaling the structure and sliding down the slide.
In the end, i hurt my arm as a results of 2 girls banging onto me right after i slided down. Here's the danger of the structure, there is no one to guide when the next person should slide down and the slide is super slippery meaning if the next person come down too quickly after the person in front, they will probably bang onto each other. And the impact will be great as the slide is extremely fast.
Natalie was so upset when we were to leave. She wants more. I promised to bring her back again. So we happily went to have a drink, that's where Natalie has her 1st taste of making purchase. We gave her $2.00 and ask her to get herself a drink. She is extremely shy but she tried and luckily we met a nice saleslady who guided her along. She got her Sprite and she is really proud of it. It's time to teach her the value of money.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Cuddly Nicole
Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Our elder girl is into talking on the phone now. She'll ask either my mum or our helper to call me and chat with me. Last night is the ulitmate one cos in order to stay on line she even sang to me every song she knows. And we literally go singing over the phone. She even called her mei-mei to the phone and ask her to call mummi, she then ask to speak to her dearest daddy. This made so happy that she kept laughing and screaming.
She has progressed from asking me to "see" over the phone whichever she is watching to communicating over the phone. Hey, i have another gal to chit chat with.
Being a working mum, it's good to keep in touch with our girls. But i do not intend to teach our girls how to dial my number anytime soon. If not i am probably be getting countless calls.