Here's Kelyn yi-yi latest creation:
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Natalie can't stop eating
My mum has been complaining that Natalie just can't stop eating. Her eating spree usually starts after 9pm, and can last until the time she sleep which is close to 11pm. She will start asking for milk, tibits, drinks, cookies - one after another. She can finish 2 bottles of milk in an hour interval. She will say she is hungry and want more food. Her lil' tummy is becoming more like her daddy's.
Ha Ha! Scary
Last night, I was lying down watching Tom & Jerry with both of the girls. The last scene of 1 espiode is when Tom is being thrown into the washing machine and get washed with Jerry and the dog watching Tom from outside the machine. Nicole laughed at the scene and then commented "scary". She went "ha ha! scary." for a few times. Isn't it amazing that at such a young age, she can actually comment like this.
Monday, 25 August 2008
Touching Moment

A touching moment, our girls holding each other hand as they were walking towards the lift. They are wearing exactly the same thing from head to toe.
Mummi I luff you
That's what Natalie told me as I was changing her. We just reached my mum's home and she can't wait to change her school uniform. And I am so happy!!!
After spending some individual time with Nicole, we decide to fetch Natalie from school and bring her to imm for ice cream. But when we were there, she decided that's she still prefer a soda to ice cream. Hence her chocolate ice cream went to her gong-gong instead.
She is happy to see daddy and mummi waiting for her in school. She even shouted to her teacher "see see it's daddy and mummi! see see!" when she saw us waiting at the gate. Her teacher has to pull her back to class. She is definitely getting more talkative these days, she talks about any and every thing. She even created her own chocolate song which she sang on our way home. "Chocolate, chocolate, wee wee wah" ...
After spending some individual time with Nicole, we decide to fetch Natalie from school and bring her to imm for ice cream. But when we were there, she decided that's she still prefer a soda to ice cream. Hence her chocolate ice cream went to her gong-gong instead.
She is happy to see daddy and mummi waiting for her in school. She even shouted to her teacher "see see it's daddy and mummi! see see!" when she saw us waiting at the gate. Her teacher has to pull her back to class. She is definitely getting more talkative these days, she talks about any and every thing. She even created her own chocolate song which she sang on our way home. "Chocolate, chocolate, wee wee wah" ...
Nicole's checkup at KKH
Phew, Nicole is fine. She doesn't have to put the braces to straighten her bow leg.
We were at KKH this morning to consult Prof Lee of orthopaedics department. He confirmed Nicole's right leg is still slightly bow. However 99% of the time this will usually correct by itself. She has only started walking when she is around 14 months, so it might still take some time for the bone to be straighten. Hence we will go back for review next year. Her legs has got so much better after she started walking, but I still believe getting a professional help as it's better to seek treatment earlier than later.
After the session, we went to taka to shop for a while before heading to Natalie's school to fetch her. Nicole is so happy to be out shopping, she sang as we walked along the aisle, swinging her arms and beaming. She is happiest when we were at the toy dept. Everything literally become hers. "My Pluto" , "My pony bear" ... she played, touched and hugged almost every toys that she came across. She so into shopping, just like her mummi. After so much walking, we head to Starbucks to rest our legs, Nicole plonk herself on the sofa and lay back and relax. She also wants a big cup of coffee just like daddy and mummi.
We were at KKH this morning to consult Prof Lee of orthopaedics department. He confirmed Nicole's right leg is still slightly bow. However 99% of the time this will usually correct by itself. She has only started walking when she is around 14 months, so it might still take some time for the bone to be straighten. Hence we will go back for review next year. Her legs has got so much better after she started walking, but I still believe getting a professional help as it's better to seek treatment earlier than later.
After the session, we went to taka to shop for a while before heading to Natalie's school to fetch her. Nicole is so happy to be out shopping, she sang as we walked along the aisle, swinging her arms and beaming. She is happiest when we were at the toy dept. Everything literally become hers. "My Pluto" , "My pony bear" ... she played, touched and hugged almost every toys that she came across. She so into shopping, just like her mummi. After so much walking, we head to Starbucks to rest our legs, Nicole plonk herself on the sofa and lay back and relax. She also wants a big cup of coffee just like daddy and mummi.
Monday, 18 August 2008
New shoes for our girls

Nicole, on the other hand, loves trying on new shoes. She too need a new pair a proper pair that is. Everyone is saying her pink rainbow shoes is not nice enough for her.
Happily we went to Queensway Shopping Centre to get their new shoes. I am eyeing at Nike's mary jane for them. We were there early, most of the shops are not open. The first shop we went do not have their size. When Natalie saw the Adidas also like hers except for the colour, she readily took off her shoes and wanna try the pair. But they ran out of her size as well.
I went around asking for both the Adidas and Nike. Finally we managed to find the Nike. Both girls like their new shoes. Nicole wanted to wear them immediate. Natalie is worried that the store kept her good old Adidas and insisted that we change back to her good old shoes just as we stepped out of the store. Surprisingly, Natalie is more than willingly to try out the shoes. She even talked to the sales lady. As we are walking down the stairs, she told me "I am so happy". Nicole is happy too. She don't want to go home.
Afterwhich we went for lunch, Ikea and met their yiyi at JE to get the ingredient for her chocolate fondant. Long day for us but an enjoyable one.
Natalie has been looking for her papa. Though I told her papa is away at work, she kept having the idea that her dearest papa is at home waiting for her. After her Tumbletots lesson, she ran home shouting "Papa, Papa, where are you?". After our shopping trip, when we reach my mum's place she shout "Papa, Papa, open the door." .
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Nicole - a potential teacher
Nicole drew on the wall and I was asking her why did she draw on the wall and she start telling me what she drew. She said there's a circle that goes round and round and started blabbing about her art work.
Afterall while she went to get my dad and ask him to sit on the floor and she started explaining what she drew to him all over again.
Instead of being angry with her, I can't stop laughing at the way she explains her drawing.
Afterall while she went to get my dad and ask him to sit on the floor and she started explaining what she drew to him all over again.
Instead of being angry with her, I can't stop laughing at the way she explains her drawing.
We are Singapore
Last Friday is Natalie's school sports day as well as National Day's celebration. She got a little flag of her own. She came back and started humming "We are Singapore" and "Rasa Sayang" and our National Athem. Though we can't hear her words clearly we roughly guessed the tune.
Last night she started singing the National Athem after asking her daddy to hang a flag she made in school up on the window. She sang "Mari kita Singapura.... Mari kita Singapore .... Mariiiiii kitaaaaaa Singaporeeeeeeeee ... . It's amazing, my girl is singing the National Athem. I don't think I know about the National Athem when I am three.
Last night she started singing the National Athem after asking her daddy to hang a flag she made in school up on the window. She sang "Mari kita Singapura.... Mari kita Singapore .... Mariiiiii kitaaaaaa Singaporeeeeeeeee ... . It's amazing, my girl is singing the National Athem. I don't think I know about the National Athem when I am three.
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Sharing a sugar donut
Everyone is at my mum's place celebrating Kim and Kenneth's birthday. While everyone is in the living room, Natalie got a piece of sugar coated donut and when to her fave corner in my mum's room and start attacking the sugar on the donut. She used her finger and dabbed some sugar off the donut and licked her finger.
Nicole and I found her enjoying her donut, Nicole sat down in front of her and asked her jie-jie for some donut. Her doting jie-jie dabbed some sugar on her finger and put it in Nicole's mouth. Nicole is so very happy. After a while her jie-jie realised that most of her fingers are dabbed with sugar, she hold out all her hand towards Nicole, and that little girl of mine literally kissed all the sugar off her jie-jie's hand. It's a really funny moment. In between, the 2 girls are so happy sharing their donut, they even give each other a kiss.
As a mummi, I am so glad to see my girls are having a really good time together and more importantly they understand the meaning of sharing and experience the joy of sharing.
Nicole and I found her enjoying her donut, Nicole sat down in front of her and asked her jie-jie for some donut. Her doting jie-jie dabbed some sugar on her finger and put it in Nicole's mouth. Nicole is so very happy. After a while her jie-jie realised that most of her fingers are dabbed with sugar, she hold out all her hand towards Nicole, and that little girl of mine literally kissed all the sugar off her jie-jie's hand. It's a really funny moment. In between, the 2 girls are so happy sharing their donut, they even give each other a kiss.
As a mummi, I am so glad to see my girls are having a really good time together and more importantly they understand the meaning of sharing and experience the joy of sharing.
Natalie's new game
Natalie asked Nicole to be her doggy. Nicole will go on four happily and pant like a dog and follow her jie-jie around. Natalie will then pat on Nicole's head and said "good boy". It is just like what we do to Milo - my sister's dog.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
We sure miss our girls
Nat has improve quite a bit. Nowadays she doesnt cry when we are heading towards my mum's place on Sunday and she will say that's her school when we pass the school. This is a big difference as at the beginning of this year the mere mention of school will make her cry. She is eager to come home and disturb her perpetually sleeping yi-yi. She will run into my sis's room and shout yi-yi wake up.
Nicole simply likes to go out be it just to the neighbour shops, she will be happy to be out. She will be first one to wear her shoes and wait for us at the door. She will hold on to our hand and walk. We seldom have problem with her when we are out.
Last weekend seems to zoom passed so quickly and before i know it we sent the girls to my mum's home and it seems so long that we have not seen the girls. yesterday papa is saying that he misses his girls already.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Expectations! Is it fair to expect things to happen!
Hahahahaha ..... This morning Natalie came to me wanting to have my mobile to watch "Jerry Cat". Simply asking "can I ......" and expecting to get it nonetheless. Well like any doting daddy would do, I gave in.
But it sets me thinking ... are "kids" brought up be expecting things to happen. Would they grow up to be teenagers expecting people to give a damn about how they feel, expecting people to know the injustice they have been put through and lastly expecting people to do things they are supposed to by virtue of their position in life and their rank in the hierarchy of things.
Which makes me want to write the topic for the day ... "Expectations". Just remember for any reader to this blog .... I dun write for no reason so readers beware ... hoping also that when Nat and Nic grows up I would use this entry to remind them of certain things in life. Also to remind them of how important and lucky having a sibling or a cousin is. Also to let them know that people tend to form expectations of what others should be but never expect anything out of themselves in the first place.
Finally to have this blog highlight a "Sob" opera that emerged so as to narrate to my gals and provide them with a learning experience. Oh yah. I am writing also in simple English so that my little gals would be able to read and understand at a tender young age.
My wife is against this blog entry, afraid of the repercussions but my take is this. People are not aware that some spectators to emerging events are in a fix, spectators like my MIL whom treat all actresses to this "sob" opera as flesh on both side of her hand. However these actresses are not aware how much the whole event is affecting her. Besides I own this blog ..... so it is actually really up to me of what I wanna do.
We tend to expect people to be doing certain things and create hell when they dun. Like when Lynn left the phone to charge and didnt bring her mobile to work. I rec'd a call later in the morning from her screaming at me for not reminding her about her mobile. My fault!
I have since reconciled the situation and find that sometimes people know that they are in the wrong .... just want to have someone else to blame. Its like my favourite phrase " dunno how to swim, dun blame it on your swimming trunks being too big".
The call was a trigger of course .... but I laughed instead of getting angry. For I realise that life is short, so we shouldnt spend our time arguing over non issues in life. 2 things to note.
No 1 - Thinking through what has happened, I gather that it has got to do also with one's expectation. She expected me to remind her about the phone. But then I ask my myself, did she expect herself to remember to bring in the first place.
No 2 - How I reacted to it. We make choices to the reactions we want to take in response to any event. It is never a automatic reaction. I know cos whenever I overreact ..... it really doesnt pay. So why risk it.
Though I have cousins, but technically they dun exist cos of the disagreements among the next higher hierarchy. Our relations didnt really hit it off cos those folks were like in war.
Hence I was amazed at the type of closeness my wife have with hers when I got to know her. They are lucky I suppose cos they have one another to count on. Lucky of course as they can play, have fun and joke around. Whenever there are events, all would be there.
But then human relations are fragile. Unrealistic expectations and naive arguments always exist which threaten such relationships. My take is to sometimes think back at those expectations. Before expecting others to do something, did u look at yourself? Before expecting others to react in a certain manner, did u do your part?
Life is never fair .... so dun blame anyone for the grievances you have. Dun blame anyone for the type of family u have. Its really not anyone's fault and it is certainly not yours. However ..... its time to grow up and accept it. It isnt really what happen in the past that matters, it is what u decide to do now which affects the future that matters. We make choices that affects the future ... so dun make decisions that u would regret in future.
Finally ... naive arguments would always exist. My take is to sometimes take a step back. Be willing to forgive and forget cos what goes around comes around. Today you might be the person forgiving, next time you might be seeking forgiveness. So remember to go easy on people.
Life is short and tough .... especially for the older folks. Though my advise to my MIL is to ignore certain things but I know she wont. Hence I am writing this ...... for any reader out there ... learn to take things easy and make life easy for others. Though simply put it .... I dun give a damn what happens cos it doesnt affect me. However I know it affects some people especially so for those actresses of this "sob" opera ... Please grow up.
Hope u take away with you some points in life. I expect myself to do something ... and I have done it. As for others, I have learnt not to expect anything from anyone. My advice is for yours to take .... also for you to trash it, it is really up to you. : )
Right ... time to go back to my gals. Nicole is grouchy cos she didnt have enough sleep. And yes, we are going out today. Yeah ....... til then.
But it sets me thinking ... are "kids" brought up be expecting things to happen. Would they grow up to be teenagers expecting people to give a damn about how they feel, expecting people to know the injustice they have been put through and lastly expecting people to do things they are supposed to by virtue of their position in life and their rank in the hierarchy of things.
Which makes me want to write the topic for the day ... "Expectations". Just remember for any reader to this blog .... I dun write for no reason so readers beware ... hoping also that when Nat and Nic grows up I would use this entry to remind them of certain things in life. Also to remind them of how important and lucky having a sibling or a cousin is. Also to let them know that people tend to form expectations of what others should be but never expect anything out of themselves in the first place.
Finally to have this blog highlight a "Sob" opera that emerged so as to narrate to my gals and provide them with a learning experience. Oh yah. I am writing also in simple English so that my little gals would be able to read and understand at a tender young age.
My wife is against this blog entry, afraid of the repercussions but my take is this. People are not aware that some spectators to emerging events are in a fix, spectators like my MIL whom treat all actresses to this "sob" opera as flesh on both side of her hand. However these actresses are not aware how much the whole event is affecting her. Besides I own this blog ..... so it is actually really up to me of what I wanna do.
We tend to expect people to be doing certain things and create hell when they dun. Like when Lynn left the phone to charge and didnt bring her mobile to work. I rec'd a call later in the morning from her screaming at me for not reminding her about her mobile. My fault!
I have since reconciled the situation and find that sometimes people know that they are in the wrong .... just want to have someone else to blame. Its like my favourite phrase " dunno how to swim, dun blame it on your swimming trunks being too big".
The call was a trigger of course .... but I laughed instead of getting angry. For I realise that life is short, so we shouldnt spend our time arguing over non issues in life. 2 things to note.
No 1 - Thinking through what has happened, I gather that it has got to do also with one's expectation. She expected me to remind her about the phone. But then I ask my myself, did she expect herself to remember to bring in the first place.
No 2 - How I reacted to it. We make choices to the reactions we want to take in response to any event. It is never a automatic reaction. I know cos whenever I overreact ..... it really doesnt pay. So why risk it.
Though I have cousins, but technically they dun exist cos of the disagreements among the next higher hierarchy. Our relations didnt really hit it off cos those folks were like in war.
Hence I was amazed at the type of closeness my wife have with hers when I got to know her. They are lucky I suppose cos they have one another to count on. Lucky of course as they can play, have fun and joke around. Whenever there are events, all would be there.
But then human relations are fragile. Unrealistic expectations and naive arguments always exist which threaten such relationships. My take is to sometimes think back at those expectations. Before expecting others to do something, did u look at yourself? Before expecting others to react in a certain manner, did u do your part?
Life is never fair .... so dun blame anyone for the grievances you have. Dun blame anyone for the type of family u have. Its really not anyone's fault and it is certainly not yours. However ..... its time to grow up and accept it. It isnt really what happen in the past that matters, it is what u decide to do now which affects the future that matters. We make choices that affects the future ... so dun make decisions that u would regret in future.
Finally ... naive arguments would always exist. My take is to sometimes take a step back. Be willing to forgive and forget cos what goes around comes around. Today you might be the person forgiving, next time you might be seeking forgiveness. So remember to go easy on people.
Life is short and tough .... especially for the older folks. Though my advise to my MIL is to ignore certain things but I know she wont. Hence I am writing this ...... for any reader out there ... learn to take things easy and make life easy for others. Though simply put it .... I dun give a damn what happens cos it doesnt affect me. However I know it affects some people especially so for those actresses of this "sob" opera ... Please grow up.
Hope u take away with you some points in life. I expect myself to do something ... and I have done it. As for others, I have learnt not to expect anything from anyone. My advice is for yours to take .... also for you to trash it, it is really up to you. : )
Right ... time to go back to my gals. Nicole is grouchy cos she didnt have enough sleep. And yes, we are going out today. Yeah ....... til then.
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